Healthcare Prices

We’ve put together the most common price factors so that you can easily understand your medical billing statement.

Healthcare Prices Explained

More and more people are opting for direct payment for healthcare services. We’ve put together the most common price factors so that you can easily understand your medical billing statement and also to explain the way we compute our estimated national average price.


Healthcare Price Components


Daily expenses, population health fashions, the handiness of doctors, and the number of insurers in a region can have an impact on prices between states, cities, or even ZIP code.


Insurance companies bargain with hospitals to fix pricing for their members, hence patients who are not insured may have to pay extra


Doctors and hospitals that are not in an insurer’s network don’t provide similar negotiated discounts to patients who are on other managed care plans.


Specialists charge more than primary care providers owing to their high specializations in specific fields. But remember higher prices may not necessarily guarantee a high-quality care.


Operating costs generally re responsible for making hospital care more expensive than ambulatory surgical centers, which are generally more expensive than urgent care or physician’s offices


The medical bill is the point of initiation. Patients who want to pay but are not willing or are not able to pay the complete price can try to bargain for a lesser price.

One procedure. Dissimilar prices?

The amount you pay depends upon how you pay and who’s negotiating for you. Some hospitals have confirmed self-pay rates for some procedures, like predetermined pricing for a specific surgery with a specified number of days of hospital stay. Confirmed cash rates usually aren’t established for all procedures, if they present at all. Our prices make use of the information below to negotiate an affordable price for direct payment.
Our cost comparison algorithm makes use of these 6 prices to estimate the national average collaborated price


How does Doctor360 estimate prices?

Estimated National Average

We use a proprietary algorithm so that patients can self-pay with a just point of comparison for bundled prices, which involve a weighted average of charge master prices, discounts, and insurance-negotiated prices.

MRI with Contrast


Estimated National Average Price

Doctor360 Negotiated Price

Many healthcare cost comparison sites just show an estimated price, not the actual price but our listed price is the actual price you payand not an estimate. Our pre-negotiated, discounted prices involve hospital, physician, anesthesia, and pathology fees unless otherwise stated in the details of the procedure details.

MRI with Contrast


Doctor360 Price

Doctor360: the best option for your healthcare

Is convenient

Negotiating is done by us for you. Make a comparison of costs and pay one packaged price prior to your service


Know what you have to pay directly. Prices involve the most general fees. No hidden bills.


Doctor360 has partnered with CareCredit, a health, wellness and personal care credit card that provides promotional financing with convenient monthly payments.*

Warning : This website or any of these services are not to be used in the event of health emergency, please contact your local Emergency Services directly.Disclaimer : Prices & availability of services & treatments are subject to change, please call healthcare practitioner directly for any information. Doctor360 does not accept, endorse, or promote health practitioners including, the content of any profiles nor the comments or discussions in the community forum. Doctor360 is an information site that contains advertising and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment by your health care professional.